Create Video Engine Snapshot

This article will show how to create a snapshot of the Video Engine for us to analyze.

1. Download and Install

Please download this Tool called “Snapshot.exe”:

Please start the executable once to make sure, it starts without issues, before we continue to step 2.

If during startup the Tool asks for a NET installation, please install NET manually from this link. On the webpage, please select “Windows > Installers > x64”.

2. Reproduction

Not please start PLAYDECK and reproduce the issue. DO NOT CLOSE PLAYDECK.

Now start the Tool “Snapshot.exe”. On the left side, right-click the first item you see, which IS NOT “MFFactory” and select “Save Snaphot”. As file format please use the pre-selected JSON format.

Now repeat this for every Item that is following. You will now have created a Snapshot of every Item, that is not MFFactory. So in the above Sample, we have 10 files in total.

3. ZIP’ing and Sending the Snapshots

Create a new ZIP File and add all Snapshots (*.json).

Upload the ZIP to our Download Server:

After uploading click the COPY Button and send the Download Link to [email protected].

4. Clean Up

You can now safely delete the Snapshots.